Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Here and gone
Another Christmas here and gone in what seems like only minutes! It takes so long to get ready for this big day, but it goes by so fast! We had a really nice Christmas as usual. Santa was VERY good to all of us! Dylan especially! It looks like Toys R Us moved into our living room he got so many new toys. His favorite seems to be his big Power Wheels Jeep. It even has a real working radio in it! He also likes the new puzzles and other trucks that he got too. I really need to go through his toybox now and get rid of some of the things that he really don't play with anymore. I know you're supposed to do it ahead of Christmas, but I never thought to do it. Alton's boss gave him Christmas Eve off, so that was nice. He was wishing he had the day after Christmas off, but I guess we can't have everything. It sure was a busy few days.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
29 for Alton
Today is Alton's birthday! He is 29! Hard to believe we are getting so close to 30! We'll be having cake and ice cream for him tonight after he gets home from work. Hopefully they will let him get out at a decent time!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Almost done shopping
Yesterday I got the majority of our Christmas shopping done in two stops. I was happy! Now I have to come up with an idea for my Grandparents who always say they don't need anything, and Alton. Usually Alton is so easy, but I'm having hard time this year. He says not to get him anything too! But you know I have to get SOMETHING! The rest of the people on my list will be getting money. Since they won't tell me anything to get they can get it for themselves. Sunday Alton and I are planning on going for Dylan. Last year I did most of the Santa Claus shopping, but Alton wants to be a part of it this year. I'm glad. Dylan sure don't NEED a whole lot, but we'll see what happens. Alton wants to get him one of the ride on Power Wheels. I'm hoping we can find a Bigfoot one. That's what I always wanted when I was younger. My brother and I were both promised one form one of my Uncles, but we never got it. Christmas sure is coming fast! Now I gotta get wrapping!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Looks like Christmas
Today we went and got our Christmas tree. WE were supposed to go to my Aunt and Uncles house to cut s fresh one, but we were never able to get a hold of them, so we ended up going to Home Depot like we did last year and got one. It's really pretty! It actually looks Christmasy in our house now. Today I finished putting up some lights in the windows. I'm done except for putting tinsel on our tree. I also went to the grocery store today. I didn't go Friday because Alton had me paranoid about getting myself stuck in the the new snow, and I wasn't about to go on a Saturday again!! So I went today and it was great! I think I might go on Monday's form now on. It wasn't crowded our busy at all! I did a little Christmas shopping online today too. So two more people down about 20 to go! LOL I'm on a role now!
Friday, December 09, 2005
Snow, Snow and more Snow
Last night about 8pm it started to snow. It was really coming down by 11pm when we went to bed. We were warned that we'd get between 4 and 8 inches. I think we ended up right in between with about 5 inches. Not too bad. The weather people made it sound much worse then what it actually was. My Mom was happy, because they closed the schools and she didn't have to go to work. SNOW DAY! LOL I found out this morning that Dylan remembers how to get out of his bed. Yesterday for nap time I had no problem with him staying in his bed. I had thought that the only reason he got out the first time was that he had stood on his bumper pads that were still in the crib and that gave him the height that he needed to get his leg up to get out. I took the bumper pads out and he was still able to get out this morning on his own. So now, do I convert the bed to his toddler bed, or leave it how it is? Advice anybody? I'm afraid that if I convert it to the toddler bed than he'll never stay in.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
What a day!
The day started out as normal, but by lunchtime I was ready to pull my hair out! Between Dylan getting into EVERYTHING that he knows he's not supposed to and the dumb dog whining and crying and getting underfoot, I thought I was going to go insane! I guess the "terrible two's are upon us, because Dylan's behavior has been terrible lately. He gets into the stuff that he's not supposed to just to get under my skin I think. When I ask him to stop doing something he just does it more or harder then he previously was. OOOOOOOHHHHHH! I hate not being listened to! That is the worse thing! So FINALLY nap time rolled around. I was soooo looking forward to that. Well, I put Dylan down about 2:30. Three o'clock got here and he's up there crying. I knew he hadn't been to sleep yet, so I lay him back down and covered him back up. It was really quiet for about an hour so I thought he went to sleep. Well, all of a sudden I hear this loud thud upstairs. So I went in the kitchen and turned on the monitor. I could here some rustling around, so I didn't think anything of it. I just thought he was playing in his crib. Sometimes he gets his Ocean Wonders aquarium off the side of the crib, which I thought was the thud. During all of this I had been on the phone with my friend. So I continued talking to her and I had my back facing the entrance to our kitchen. All of a sudden I hear HI! Dylan had gotten out of his crib all by himself!!! I couldn't believe it. So now I'm wondering if the nightmare is beginning of him not staying in his bed when he's supposed to. I sure hope it was just a one time thing at least for a while. I thought we at least had one more year until he started this! Oh my goodness! HELP!!!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
I hate grocery shopping!!
Is there anybody who enjoys going to the grocery store? If there is I really wish you could tech me to enjoy it more! LOL I usually go on Friday every week. Well, I made the mistake of going on a Saturday. NEVER AGAIN! At least until after Christmas. It was such a ZOO!! I shop at Meijer. Love to go there because I can get everything in one shot. Well of course today I really needed to return our cans and bottles. I get to the bottle return area and there is only ONE can machine working out of like 7. And of course there is nobody around to get help to get more going. So once that was done I start my shopping. I always start at the front where the deli and produce are. Well, Alton is picky about his lunchmeat so I MUST get it from the deli. Well, guess what, there's a long line there too! I almost said forget it and went to get Oscar Meyer, but I knew he would be complaining so I waited. So on I went dodging people and finally get to the check out. Can you believe that I walked right up to the register without waiting in line for a second. THAT was amazing! The best part of the whole shopping experience! Then I had to put everything away....I hate that too! LOL
Friday, December 02, 2005
Visit with Santa Claus

Today I took Dylan to what is called the Older Persons Center...OPC for short. It's a place in Rochester Hills, MI for the 50 and older crowd. You have to be a resident to be able to go there....Which Alton's parents are. The place is kind of like a rec center for those of that age. They have a track to walk, an exercise room with all the latest equipment, a library, cafe...That kind of stuff. Well, every year they put on the most awesome Christmas display. This is the second year that we've went. Well, Santa Claus was there. I thought for sure that Dylan would rant and rave and want NOTHING to do with Santa. Well, he surprised the heck out me....He loved Santa!! When Dylan first walked up Santa had his hand up to give Dylan a high five, so Dylan slapped his hand no problem. Then I put him on his lap to get his picture taken...He was fine! Didn't think a thing about it!! Sure was the total opposite of what I thought! So cool! The only bad part was that Dylan turned his head right when the lady snapped his picture. So after Dylan got his candycane we had lunch and then went for storytime in the library. They read Polar Express. He wasn't all that interested in that though. This weekend that they put on is so much fun for the kids! And the adults too. The decorations are beautiful! There must have been a hundred Christmas trees...All decorated differently. They had face painting too, but Dylan didn't want to do it. Sure does get you into the Christmas Spirit.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Happy First Day of December
Can you believe that there's only 24 more day until Christmas? I can't! I did do a little shopping today though. Got two gifts. Yipee! I'm on a role now. Actually it's much better then usual, because we usually don't start shopiing unitl we get Alton's Christmas bonus which is like two weeks before Christmas. So I'm ahead this year! LOL Anyway, Happy December!
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