Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day Weekend

Man, it's been quite a while since I made a posting! Anyway, I have a few minutes while Alton has Dylan. It's been a great weekend! We got our garden planted and all my flowers planted, plus had a get together Saturday night. We had a fire. It was really nice. All the kids got to play. I think it's the most kids we've had at our house at one time. LOL Surprisingly the weather has turned out to be beautiful even though the weather people said it was going to rain all weekend. And we are also remember all the Veterans that are serving and have served for our country. Especially Captain Stephen W. Frank killed April 29th in Iraq. We love him and miss him dearly.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Well, tomorrow we are leaving to go to New York for Stephen's funeral. I guess it's a twelve hour drive to West Point. We are riding with Alton's parents. Hopefully it only takes twelve hours. Not sure how it will be traveling with them. They were supposed to be flying and changed their minds. Alton and I were kind of looking forward to spending some quality time just the two of us, but oh well. Dylan is staying with my parents and the dog is being boarded. He's also having surgery to be neutered while he there which is happening tomorrow. HOPEFULLY this will calm him down some. He is so hyper! Nothing like out other dog Riley.