Monday, October 06, 2008

So proud!

Yes, I've been slacking in writing here. So lets rewind to two weeks ago. We were camping. I took Dylan's bike with us. Well, the training wheels on both sides were about to fall off the bike. Dylan insisted he needed them and not to take them off. Well, at the campground one finally fell off. He said he would just ride the bike with one. I told him no way. That he could really get hurt that way. I told him if he wanted to ride the bike then we needed to take the other one off so he could ride lke a big boy. After having a huge fit he agreed. So once we got home we went in the backyard on the grass to test it out. He rode the bike alone immediately!!! A couple runs up and down and he was saying lets go in the front on the sidewalk. So we did. He never fell off the bike once!!!! It was so awesome to see my boy ride without the training wheels. Then tonight after I picked him up from school he asked me...Mom do you know the vowels? I said do you? And he preceded to tell me he vowels. He is so smart!!!! LOL Yes, I am a little partial.