Wednesday, December 07, 2005

What a day!

The day started out as normal, but by lunchtime I was ready to pull my hair out! Between Dylan getting into EVERYTHING that he knows he's not supposed to and the dumb dog whining and crying and getting underfoot, I thought I was going to go insane! I guess the "terrible two's are upon us, because Dylan's behavior has been terrible lately. He gets into the stuff that he's not supposed to just to get under my skin I think. When I ask him to stop doing something he just does it more or harder then he previously was. OOOOOOOHHHHHH! I hate not being listened to! That is the worse thing! So FINALLY nap time rolled around. I was soooo looking forward to that. Well, I put Dylan down about 2:30. Three o'clock got here and he's up there crying. I knew he hadn't been to sleep yet, so I lay him back down and covered him back up. It was really quiet for about an hour so I thought he went to sleep. Well, all of a sudden I hear this loud thud upstairs. So I went in the kitchen and turned on the monitor. I could here some rustling around, so I didn't think anything of it. I just thought he was playing in his crib. Sometimes he gets his Ocean Wonders aquarium off the side of the crib, which I thought was the thud. During all of this I had been on the phone with my friend. So I continued talking to her and I had my back facing the entrance to our kitchen. All of a sudden I hear HI! Dylan had gotten out of his crib all by himself!!! I couldn't believe it. So now I'm wondering if the nightmare is beginning of him not staying in his bed when he's supposed to. I sure hope it was just a one time thing at least for a while. I thought we at least had one more year until he started this! Oh my goodness! HELP!!!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Oh my! I haven't had this on happen yet...neither one of my children has figured out how to climb out of bed. My nephew Sam, however a completely different story...can't put him to sleep anywhere...if he doesn't want to take a nap, he just doesn't take one!

I couldn't help but laugh about your comment about you looking forward to nap time...I so look forward to that too...not because I get a break or anything (because Gabe doesn't take naps) but because that is one less mess I have to be keeping up with!