Monday, May 08, 2006

The weekend

Our Anniversary dinner at Olive Garden was really nice! We did have to wait almost 45 minutes to get a table though, but what do you expect on a Saturday night right? The food was excellent! Also over the weekend we found out that we may be moving in the near future. It's a very long story so I'll try to stick tot he main details. Alton has done this man's plumbing for a while, and he said if you ever decide to sell your house let me know first, so he did. The man is also interested in buying our house because he has many rental properties in Pontiac. So he came to look at our house yesterday and it looks like we may be able to buy his! We still have to find out what the payments will be and if we can afford them. The place is on three acres and is in Groveland Township. Dylan would go to Clarkston schools and we wouldn't be living in Pontiac anymore!!! It would be so good. The only thing is that the house needs some major updating, but it would be so worth it to be living back in the country and away from the city! So I'll keep you posted on what happens, but keep your fingers crossed for us!!

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