Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Garbage Man

Dylan has developed an obsession with the "Gasha Man" A.K.A the garbage man. LOL Today was our garbage day and Dylan was right at the door watching when he came down our street this morning. Then after he is gone and out of sight Dylan has a fit that he can't see him anymore and wants to go look for him. Trying to explain that the garbage man is done with our street and will be back next week is nearly impossible when it comes to a two year old. So he yells and stomps and cries until he finally moves on to something else. I don't know what it is about it that he likes so much. Maybe it's the arm that lifts the can up or just the big truck. It's the funniest thing though. Since you can see the main road from our backyard he's always looking for the Gasha Man when he hears a loud truck go by. Other then that we've had a pretty uneventful day today.

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