Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Crazy week!

I don't know if it'd Spring fever or what, but Dylan has been giving me a run for my money this week! He's learned how to open the refridgerator, so he wants to be in that non-stop. He just opens it and then stands there wondering what to get into. Then yesterday....I had been doing a crossword puzzle on our front porch over the weekend.....Well, the weather was warm so I had the door leading to the porch open....guess who finds the pen in the magazine where the crossword was. D-Y-L-A-N! I was upstairs putting towels away. When I came back down Dylan had taken off his pants and had written ALL OVER both of his legs! I couldn't believe it! I don't know if he was trying to be like Alton and have a tatoo or what. DUMB ME for leaving the pen! I never even thought about it. Live and learn right? Then when I was brushing Dyaln's teeth this morning I saw that his two year molars are starting to come up, so I'm waiting for the crabiness to start. We are going to see the Easter Bunny tomorrow, so hopefully that will go good! Wish me luck!

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