Sunday, April 02, 2006


Today started out with a really nice breakfast at the Old Country Buffet near our house. We went with our friends Bill and Melissa any their daughter Reagan. Reagan is six months younger than Dylan so they get along perfectly. The breakfast went surprisingly well. Usually Dylan does terrible in a restaurant. He always want out of the high chair to run around the place. But today was totally different. I don't know if was because It was first thing in the morning or what, but he ate and behaved great! We were surprised! After that we made a trip to Toys R Us to check out the swing sets. We'll be getting Dylan one soon. We having a hard time trying to decide on a wooden or metal one. I know they don't make things anything like they used to, but growing up we had a metal one, and it lasted WITHOUT a bit of rust for like 20 years! There was nothing wrong with it when my Dad took it apart. Everybody had just outgrown it. It was great. But then they got the cool wooden ones that have like a little clubhouse type thing on them and a big slide. Of course there is a BIG price difference too! So we'll see. Got to do a little bit more thinking on it. Then we came home and Alton started a fire outside to burn some of the junk wood we have. It was a chilly day, so it felt good by the fire. Of course Dylan wouldn't come anywhere near it to warm up. All he wanted to do is ride his bike. If the sun had of been out it would have been a perfect day weather wise. I had Alton get our Easter decorations down for the attic in the garage so I decorated a tree in our yard with the little bright plastic eggs and our front porch railing. They look so cute. I had forgotten all the cute Easter stuff I had, because it hasn't been out in like three years. I just haven't decorated. So we had a really nice Sunday!

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