Thursday, April 20, 2006


Well, we had a really nice Easter. The Easter Bunny was very good to Dylan. We had a brunch with Alton's parents and then later on went to my grandparents house for dinner. We had an Easter egg hunt for all of the great-grandkids. We hid the chocolate foil wrapped eggs and plastic eggs that had money in them. Dylan made out with about $15.00! I had taken a bunch of change to put in. The weather could have been a little better, but at least is didn't rain and ruin the egg hunt. It was kind of funny....I kept thinking how I used to do the egg hunt at that same house and now my child is doing it! Sure did make me feel old! Other then that we've just been enjoying this awesome Springtime weather we've been having. Dylan's been riding his bike, blowing bubbles and writing on the driveway with his chalk that the Easter Bunny brought him. My tulips are in full bloom! The squirrels didn't get any of the bulbs! They look so pretty! Yesterday Dylan took his first fall of Spring. He went up the deck stairs to get his cup of juice, and I don't know if he missed a step or just lost his balance, but he fell down the steps and hit the cement face down. He had a big ol' goose egg on his forehead. Today it's nice and purple. Poor guy. I was surprised though that he didn't cry more then he did. A few seconds and it was over.

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