Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Today I went to my interview for the full time packaging position that I applied for. I thought the interview went really good. Everything sounded really good...benefits after 90 days paid holidays ect. The lady who would be my supervisor was in the room for the interview too, and I thought she was really nice and we would get along. She showed me the area where I would be working at and kind of what I would be doing. Seemed to be right up my ally! I was told that they had one other person to interview this afternoon and then they would decide between the two of us. If I was getting the job then I would get a call otherwise no call no job. Well guess what, I didn't get a call. I am so bummed. I really thought this would be it for me. I'm not sure if this is a mistake on my part or not, but I was honest with them and told them that I am going through a divorce and that I knew of two court dates so far. Because they had brought up that they are pretty demanding when it comes to attendance. Which I would think any job is like that. But any how, maybe that's why they decided not to go with me. I don't want to not tell them about the divorce, because if I were to be hired and then I tell them later, they will probably feel like I deceived them. So I don't know. I still have an interview for a part time position tomorrow, but it starts at $10 an hour and it's only 15 hours a week. No benefits, and it's a 20 minute drive. So I'm not sure if it will even be worth my while. I keep thinking how God has a plan for me, but I sure wish I could have a clue as to what it is! LOL

1 comment:

Abby said...

Laura, will you be keeping Dylan...or will you be sharing custody? We have job openings in our creamery right now...it is too bad you don't live closer. I think about you every day and pray that things turn around for you! XOXO