Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. We did. We were able to spend quite a bit of time with my brother and sister in law, that came from Georgia, so that was nice. We learned how to play a new game that they brought with them called Apples to Apples, so that was fun.

We finally got our Indian summer this week. The weather has been beautiful. Today we are supposed to have record breaking temps. Close to 70. Today the sun isn't out though unfortunately. Then by Friday they are talking snow. Lovely! LOL Yesterday I raked up four bags of leaves, but you can't even tell. Alton has been telling me that he was going to get our lawnmower out and mulch them all up, but he never has. I just wanted to get the stuff around our drive way and in front of our deck up, because the leaves keep getting dragged into the house on our shoes. Then they wind up in the kitchen!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Cool switched over your blog!! It looks add some links and pictures too!