Monday, August 01, 2005

Busy Weekend!

Both Saturday and Sunday we had kiddy birthday parties to go to. The one Saturday was great! It was for Alton's bosses little girl who turned one year old. There was a Strawberry Shortcake pinata that Dylan loved hitting. They actually pulled the plug on it during Dylan's turn so he won the prize for "breaking the pinata", which was really nice. It was so funny! Dylan had a blast hitting that thing! Most of the kids were way too small to ever really break it open themselves so Reagan's Mom helped. And it wasn't filled with a bunk of candy either. The kids got bubbles, fruit snacks, animal crackers, and nutri-grain bars. I thought that was a really good idea. Dylan really can't eat hard candy but he loves all the other stuff that he got. Then the party Sunday was at a beach area. The actual party part was nice, but after that everybody went into the water and Dylan didn't want to have anything to do with that. Even with his Daddy he was terrified. The wind was blowing pretty good so there were small waves hitting the beach. I guess that might have been what he was afraid of. I even was picking up the mud and showing him how to build a sand castle, but he wanted nothing to do with it. So Alton took a dip and then we left from there and enjoyed the rest of the day at home. Every weekend in the month of July we had something going on. This month I'm hoping we can relax and not have to be running all the time on Alton's only day off. I can't believe that it's August already! This summer has went by sooooo fast. But don't they always. I have even seen winter coats out already in the stores. Not looking forward to that!!

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