Monday, May 07, 2007

Mr. Turkey

Today was cleaning day and my Grandpa's house. While I was there the craziest thing happened.....I was walking by the dining room window and when I looked out I saw the most humongous turkey at the bird feeder. I could not believe it! So my Grandpa says to go see if I can give it some corn. (He's always stocked with corn and bird seed.) So Dylan and I go out to give it some corn. I told Dylan he had to be very quiet. Well, we took one step out the door and Dylan says super loud...There he is Mommy! So of course the turkey starts to go down this big hill that is in the yard. I couldn't see him at first. Then I tried to go towards him with the corn and he took off into the field behind the house. That turkey ran soooooo fast! I would have never guessed that it could move that quick! Something out of the ordinary today anyhow!

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