Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November Already

Can't believe it's November already!! Hope everybody had a fun Halloween last night. We went trick-or treating in our neighborhood. There weren't many people handing out candy, but that didn't matter because Dylan was ready to quit after about two blocks! All he wanted to do was go home. I have no idea why! At the last house that we tried to get him to go to all he would do is sit in their front yard. LOL The people were sitting on their front porch even! All he had to do was walk up and get the candy. He wouldn't do it. So that was the end for us. Maybe next year he'll be more into it. Alton and I were kind of bummed, me especially because Halloween is my favorite holiday. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The workshops are FREE!! They are offered on the first saturday of each month...maybe check out their website to see if they offer them in your area...