Monday, October 23, 2006

Our Weekend

Alton had the weekend off, so that was nice. Friday night we surprised my Mom with a new dryer. Theirs wasn't working and was like 30 years old so we got her a new one. They were going to try and repair it. My Dad thought he knew what was wrong with it, but he's not really in the shape to be trying to fix a dryer. She was really surprised! We got them to go to my grandparents house for dinner so that's when we got it in the basement and hooked up.

On Saturday morning we had to take Alton's parents to the airport and then
Saturday evening we had some family and friends over to watch the Tiger's game. Alton cooked ham and ribs on the grill.

Then Sunday we went to my cousin's birthday party. He turned 2. So that was interesting with a bunch of little kids running around. For the evening we ordered pizza and watched the Tiger's beat the Cardinal's! So we had a very nice weekend!

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