Saturday, May 27, 2006

An eventful week

We've had a few cool things happen to us this week. First, Dylan finally learned how to make his Power Wheels Jeep move. Santa brought it for him this past Christmas and he had been scared when it moved. Not anymore. He takes off. Now he just needs to learn how to steer it. It's so funny....He puts his foot on the "gas pedal" and starts going, but he turns his head around to look behind him instead of in front to see where he's going. He's ran into the fence, the deck, and a tree! Secondly, my sister-in-law Laurel and nephew Alex came from South Carolina for a visit this week. Dylan had tons of fun playing with his cousin. And he loved has his Aunt Laurel's attention all the time. So we spent the day with them and Grandma Hayes. Once we came home from there I was changing Dylan's diaper and he said he wanted to pee pee on the potty. It's been a feat trying to get him to even sit on the toilet. So I said ok let's go which he usually says no, but this time he went right into the bathroom and waited for me to put him on the toilet. I don't know if it was because he knew his cousin Alex goes on the big potty or what, but he sat and tried to go. Nothing ever happened, but at least we've crossed one hurdle on the road to potty training! LOL

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