Monday, January 30, 2006

Weekend news

The news from the weekend is that there really isn't any. LOL I did have a girls night out on Friday, so that was nice. We went to a restaurant that had just been remodeled so we went to see the updates. It sure looks different. For those who live by me I'm talking about the old Orion House on M-24. It's now called Christi's Bar and Grill. The food was excellent! They have a much bigger menu now....Much more variety. They do still have their famous pizzas and bread sticks. We pretty much went there too just for the bread sticks. Then they come with a really good garlic dip! YUM!!! I want some now! Nothing really went on Saturday. Alton had to work. Sunday we went to Best Buy so that Alton could spend a couple gift certificates they he'd gotten for Christmas and his birthday. He got a Rolling Stones CD and a Dr. Dre CD. Yes, he listens to a WIDE variety of music. LOL I know those are one extreme to the next right? LOL

Today Dylan has discovered flushing toilet paper in the toilet. Before he would just flush the toilet and slam the lid down. Today while I was reading my email he decided to go in there and unload half of a role of TP and put it in the toilet. Then when he saw me coming he hurried up and flushed it! I thought for sure the thing would be plugged, but it all went down. Alton would have had a fit! LOL The last thing he wants to do when he gets home is more plumbing! But I guess some things just can't be helped right?

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