Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Finally today we got some relief from the humidity! It was still hot, but I can handle that if there's no humidity! I hate feeling sticky all the time especially when Dylan wants to be held! Speaking of Dylan...Today was his 18 month check-up at the doctors. He weighs 21 lbs and 13oz and is 32 1/2 inches tall. He had to get one shot in each of his legs, which he took very well. There was a little bit of crying, but then the nurse brought in a tub of toys for him to pick from and it was all ok. LOL No more shots for him for a while now. As long as he stays healthy anyhow. They mostly give oral meds now anyhow instead of shots. My boy is growing so fast!!! :>(

1 comment:

Abby said...

Yes, they do grow up too fast...when are you having your next one?

What gets really depressing is when they are growing up and you know there won't be any more because we aren't having any more children, then it can be depressing at times!